Välkommen på ett intressant BOTI-webinarium den 16/6 kl 11.30-12.30. Denna gång har vi en återkommande föreläsare – Anton Bollen från TechSmith som berättar om att engagera sin publik med tekniska videos. Webinariumet hålls på engelska därav beskrivning enligt nedan:
Effective & Engaging: Creating Better Technical Videos
- This is a good introduction into video, paired with a lot of applicable advice. It’s valuable for beginners as well as those that are already creating video
- Description: Video is taking on an increasingly important role in the field of technical communication. As we are creating more videos, how can we ensure that our informational and instructional content will meet our own goals as well as the needs and expectations of our viewers?
Based on a number of studies and the analysis of hundreds of videos, this session will provide a series of data-driven insights into proven video design principles while taking viewers’ behaviors and expectations into account; providing the session participants with many recommendations they can apply to their own work.